I am not a fan of Twilight. The plot of the books just repeats itself, and although they are well written, I feel that her degree in English may have had a negative effect on Stephenie Meyer's skills as a writer. Almost all of the dialogue in the books seem rigid and too perfect for a person speaking.
Source: Google
See, I have an actual opinion, instead of just being prejudiced against the series. Even so, if I were simply prejudiced against them from the get-go, (and in all honestly, I was), I would have found that it was because (1) it's a romance, (2) it supposedly shows the "perfect" relationship to young girls, and (3) it is a mainstream title. The reason I ever read the books? A relative sent them to me. Brand new books. I couldn't just leave them sitting unread! Plus, at that point, I got curious. What the hell was so great about these books?
Nothing. They were a popular series about yet another girl and vampire. Perhaps it's the kindest story about a girl and a vampire, at least that I have read, but people were entranced: So this is what it's like to love a vampire! They're nice and caring and they are simply the perfect men to go after! They can just read recipes and cook good food? They are strong and protect you from bullies? Even if they leave for the better part of a year, when they come back I'd understand! They just wanted to protect me!
It was just another description of a boyfriend that every girl is now going to seek out. I have actually heard of girls breaking up with their boys that they had been dating for 2 years in order to find their "Edward" or maybe even their "Jacob". There is an actual website, My Life is Twilight, for people to post on how obsessed they are with Twilight.
"Today, there was a big thunderstorm in my town. I told my children that the thunder was vampires playing baseball. MLIT."
Here ends my potentially horrible review for Twilight. Maybe it was more of a rant, but I tried.