Mar 8, 2012


Since I have all this yarn that I haven't used for actual knitting, I've decided I am going to use it up by making things to sell. I have had it all for so long the yarn is basically free.

My camera is, sadly, in my BF's car. The car that's in the shop for repairs that were intentionally caused by a complete bitch. So, I guess I am just going to have to wait until I get that back to start putting things up on Etsy. Blah. It will probably be at least a month. (Judging by how long it was in for repairs for the other two times someone ELSE caused damage to it.)

So far, I have made 2 pot holders, and most of a scarf. I really can't do patterns that well, but I think I've had a breakthrough on a problem that I had. I think I figured out how to move yarn from back to front in order to purl. So, maybe I can start something a BIT more advanced. Before I would end up wrapping the yarn around the project, and I did that all the damn time. I don't know how or why, it is so simple to do!

The pot holders are just squares with holes every four rows. They take me 3 hours to make. I have no idea how to price that. They aren't that special, so I don't want to charge more than $5 for them, but they took me 3 hours of knitting. Knit things are usually pretty expensive, anyways. Hmmmm... Maybe $7. Two for $10? I will have to ask my stepmoms mother.

The scarf is made from this really pretty yarn I got for free, it is mostly blue but has red, purple, lighter blue, and green mixed in it, peacock colors. It's going pretty fast, the yarn is thick and I'm using big needles. I have two big skeins of that yarn, I think I can make three scarfs from it. I think that type of yarn is the best to make scarfs with. But, what the hell do I know? I'm a beginner.

I'm trying to figure out how to make slippers with just straight needles, size 6 or size 13, since they are all I have. I want to make as much stuff as possible before I have to start buying more things. I am flat broke.

I am really upset about my camera. I need it!