Apr 4, 2012

Internship and lost camera

I got the internship! At least, I'm in the process of getting it. I will be going to Blue Mountain Wildlife in the early fall. I have a feeling that I will have the intern trailer to myself, because it sounded like they try to only keep one intern at a time. I'm super excited! I'm sad that I didn't know more about the stuff I will actually be doing, but as I said on my application, letter, and resume, I have only had experience with domestic animals, mainly cats and dogs.

The reason I haven't been posting is because I still have no clue as to where my camera is. When Brumiesters car was deemed totaled, he didn't find it when he went to go clean the car out. It isn't at his place, and it's not at his mothers. The only possibility is that it's in my room. Or, it's gone. I have no idea where else it could have gone!

All my posts that I had been planning kind of needed pictures. That my camera would have provided. I would love to show you that I've progressed from crappy knit squares to a crappy knit hat. I'm getting better! I'm really trying. It's hard. I'm getting really ambitious though, wanting to knit cami's and sweaters and stuffs.

So, when I find my camera, or lack thereof, I will continue posting then. Keep checking back! I guess.