Feb 7, 2012

What is going on in THIS blog?

This is simply a general post to tell you all what this blog is going to contain. At least, what I have planned out for it so far.

My name is Rain, and I would like to call myself goth. However, I feel as though I am still most definitely in my "Babybat Days", thus the name of the blog. I very possibly don't listen to enough of the music. (You can tell I am uncertain by my language, can't you?)

This blog is to tell you about my experience and what I am going through as a new goth. I am going to post tutorials, about events, harassment, and everyday life. There will be reviews of various things, inspiration posts, literal short stories, and posts about ANIMALS. The animal posts will be more informative. Why animal posts? Because this is MY blog.

I plan to frequently post about body modifications, and peoples personal experiences with them. I will probably post outfit posts occasionally as well.

I do NOT plan on giving a lot of personal information on myself, or any others, since this IS the internet. I also want to avoid online harassment as much as I can, so I hope this will minimize the chances of that a little. Otherwise, I hope we all have fun, at least more fun than this first post provided.

Within this month I plan on at least posting about Valentines, Radcon 6a, a tutorial, and about my hedgehog, since she is more entertaining than my average cat.